
Rich Eva - search results

The Ancient Practice of Rest Days

...I began each morning with a proper scrolling prayer. In this regard, philosophy graduate school was a relief. I have yet to receive this call: “Rich! Sorry to wake you,...

Rich Eva

Rich Eva is a philosophy PhD candidate at Baylor University specializing in ethics and social & political philosophy. His work can be found at Tweet...

A Reflection on Eva Kittay on Human Dignity

Eva Feder Kittay’s Learning from My Daughter presents an argument worth considering as notions of “anti-human” and “post-human” have gained currency. The daughter to whom she refers is cognitively disabled....

APA Member Interview: Rich Eva

Rich Eva is a philosophy PhD student at Baylor University with primary research interests in social & political philosophy and ethics, especially applied ethics. He serves as the philosophy department’s...

Doomscrolling and the Unspeakable

...In Achilles in Vietnam: Combat Trauma and the Undoing of Character, Jonathan Shay acknowledges this by recognizing that we possess a rich and graphic language for depicting the atrocities of...

Recently Published Book Spotlight: Secret Dreams in Istanbul

...   I am reminded of Eva Peron, who was not able to shake off the shadow of her early destitution either. On the Spanish leg of her famous Rainbow Tour,...


Looking Back to Look Forward: Disability, Philosophers, and Activism

...the perception that philosophy has been a hostile environment for both people with disabilities and the study of disability.  When Eva Feder Kittay and Licia Carlson organized their landmark conference,...